St Ives Bay 10k Results: View the results by visiting the live results page.

Double whammy for Hayle Runners at Treggy 7

On Sunday 1st September, 41 Hayle runners joined nearly 400 others to take on the Treggy 7 road race.

The race starts in Launceston town square, where participants are treated to a fast start on a downhill first mile. The route subsequently becomes an undulating one, including the small matter of a half mile uphill stretch up to the village of Tregadillett. After leaving the village at mile four, the final miles of the race are largely downhill with a spectacular finish in the grounds of the castle.

Both men’s and women’s teams did phenomenally well and took first place. A huge well done to Emma Paull, Fiona Gamble, Anna Goodman, Julie Towers, Corinne Gerrard, and Zoe Renowden who made up the women’s team, and Jordan Morant, Daniel Costello, Liam O’Neill, Neil Hayhurst, Mark Williams, and Dominic Turton who scooped first place for the men.

Emma Paull – 1st – Women 35-39 (3rd woman in the race overall)
Zoe Renowden – 3rd – Women 40-44
Kelly Bills – 3rd – Women 45-49
Corinne Gerrard – 3rd – Women 50-54
Julie Towers – 2nd – Women 60-64
Jordan Morant – 3rd – Men under 35
Neil Hayhurst – 3rd – Men 40-44
Ian Curnow – 3rd – Men 50-54
Mark Williams – 2nd – Men 55-59
Jon Eldon – 1st – Men 60-64
Chunky Penhaul – 1st – Men 75-79
Stewart Townend – 2nd – Men 80+

“There were amazing achievements from our 41 members who raced on Sunday bringing back the double whammy with our mens and ladies teams placing first. We’re very proud of everyone who took up the challenge. Treggy 7 is always a well organised supported race and we’re all looking forward to ‘that hill’ next year.”

Richard Collett
Club Chairman

Photography by Will Harper-Penrose, the full set can be found here

Sarah Allen – 1:06:04
Kelly Bills – 1:00:39
Anthony Bryant – 1:14:30
Anthony Burrows – 0:58:27
Helen Cattran – 1:17:36
Margaret Clark – 1:12:18
Theresa Clark – 1:12:29
Anne Cobell – 1:36:30
Richard Collett – 1:01:45
Trevor Cornish – 1:13:30
Daniel Costello – 0:40:48
Nathan Cudmore – 0:59:48
Ian Curnow – 0:47:43
Jon Eldon – 0:50:03

Fiona Gamble – 0:54:13
Corinne Gerrard – 0:56:33
Anna Goodman – 0:56:08
David Guffick – 0:49:16
Neil Hayhurst – 0:46:38
Andrew Heather – 1:15:06
Frazer Humbles – 0:53:20
James Manning – 0:49:45
Jordan Morant – 0:40:27
Liam O’Neill – 0:43:39
Michael Orchard – 1:07:38
Emma Paull – 0:44:36
Chunky Penhaul – 1:05:35
Nicholas Peters – 0:55:52

Zoe Renowden – 0:59:02
Andrew Searle – 0:51:28
Hannah Smith – 1:03:22
Claire Stone – 1:13:56
Jackie Stone – 1:19:25
Julie Towers – 0:56:11
Stewart Townend – 1:18:23
Dominic Turton – 0:47:14
Tim Twiggs – 0:53:02
Craig Underhill – 0:55:33
Darren Uren – 0:55:36
Mark Williams – 0:47:14
Ashley Williams – 0:51:36