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Tuesday club nights

Our main club night is on Tuesdays evenings meeting at Hayle Rugby Club at 7pm.

In the summer, groups run all over Hayle and surrounding country lanes and the Towans. In the winter, runners stay to well lit streets wearing hi-viz and head torches.

Runners are encouraged to join groups inline with their current ability or training needs.

You don’t have to stick to a particular group and we have many members that float between groups depending on their needs or preferences on the night.

  1. Group one

    Sub 7.30 average. Everyone can do a half marathon in under 1h 30m and some under 1h 15m. Don’t place limits on what you can achieve if you’re in this group. Most sessions will be structured workouts which will include things like mile reps or hill reps and plenty in between. Occasionally this group might just go for a run, but that’s an easy week.


  2. Group two

    Similar pace and structure to Scott’s group.


  3. Group three

    8.45 to 9.15 minute mile pace, aiming for 6-7 miles. Sticking to the roads in winter, we head out to the trails in the summer months. To mix things up, we alternate running a steady run with a session every other week. Session ranges from hill work, speed work and tempo runs. We are an all inclusive and supportive group that like to stick together no matter the range. A very friendly and chatty bunch, who still like to work on speed and technique.


  4. Group four

    Join group four for Mark’s Magical Mystery Tours, generally pacing around 9.15-9.45 pace for about 7-8 miles. In the summer, runs will be a mix of road, tracks, trails, beach and Towans. In the winter runs will be around Hayle town and involve a mixture of hills and flat. It often feels like (and is) more of the former than the latter.


  5. Group five

    This group runs at a 9.30-10.15 minute per mile pace. During the lighter evenings there will be a mix of road and trail, sometimes on the Towans and sometimes on the lanes. The normal expected distance is 6 to 7 miles. Lots of chatting but we may go quieter on the hills.

    Our winter running is around Hayle and to avoid too much repetition, one week will be a session, one week a non-stop run and then a steady run with gather up stops.



  6. Group six

    10.30-11.00 min miles. This group is a steady paced group and will always regroup or loop back for everyone. There may be the occasional session to mix things up a bit. Mostly road running all year round but during the spring and summer months there’s an option to venture out with Yelda and David to explore the dunes and trails while Trevor sticks to the road.



  7. Group seven

    We tend to run around 6ish continuous miles at a pace between 11.45 and 12.30 minute miles. During the summer and winter we tend to stick to road routes, but every now and then we’ll go off-road in the summer.

    We aim to help people who may have never raced to train themselves to keep going.

    Faster runners are always welcome, but we encourage them to loop back sporadically and sometimes we’ll throw in a session based run too.


  8. Group eight

    This group runs at a social pace. We tend to run between 4 and 6 miles at a variable pace between 11.30 and 12.30 minute miles. We aren’t serious in our sessions but we encourage everyone to take the plunge and do their first race in a green vest. We like to chat and run, enjoy the towans, footpaths in the summer and Hayle town in the winter. We often stop to take photos and to catch our breath. We occasionally do some hill reps or a sprint session and encourage attendance at track.


  9. Group nine

    4ish miles most weeks, with the aim of running the majority, and building to a no walk session.

    During summer we will often join forces with Jennie’s group and go off road, Towans or trail routes that may be slightly longer but with some stops along the way. Flat during the winter mainly with the occasional week including the odd incline.


  10. Group ten – the walk/run group

    Walk/run is 3 ish but not more 4 miles on the road. The aim is to encourage people to increase their running and decrease walking whilst they are in the group and to move up as they improve.

    I mostly do this by getting them to run more slowly and help them to learn to pace themselves. We generally do a bit of interval work within the session. The aim is to provide a welcoming positive start to being part of our lovely friendly club.


Thursday track nights

Coaches Mel, Lee and Scott oversee the training programme at the track and are supported by other Coaches and Leaders from the club.

The track sessions are held at Carn Brea Leisure Centre at Pool near Redruth on Thursday at 7pm.

Each week is different and is designed to make you faster, fitter and a more aerobically efficient runner.

Sessions last about an hour and a quarter, including a warm up, and they vary between multiple 100m sprints to longer circuits of 1,600m or 3,000m. Runners train in similarly paced group supported by a qualified coach or leader.

Every now and then there’s a timed mile session so that you can track your improvement.

All speeds are catered for and attendance is free for Hayle Runners members (whether first or second claim).

There is a fee of £3 per week for non-members.

You walk through Carn Brea reception and tell them you are going to the track. When you get to the track the Hayle runners are usually in the top right hand corner near the start line.

Sunday runs

Sundays – these are usually longer runs (although some groups runs shorter lengths), usually aimed at half or full marathon training, and of varying distances and locations.

They usually start at 9am but always end at a cafe for tea and cake.