Marazion 10k Results: View the results by downloading them.

We advise children to arrive between 5.20pm and 5.30pm and ask that parents be there at 6.25pm to collect their children when the session ends at 6.30pm.

Our activities encompass the whole range of athletic disciplines except for the pole vault. The emphasis is on enjoyment and fun and we like the children to try their hand at all the activities. Most sessions will have some form of running and we hope that this will encourage the participants to consider joining the Hayle Runners senior club as they get older.

During the winter months we are indoors in the school gym; when it gets lighter and warmer we will be training on the school sports field.During the winter we also often take the children out on supervised road runs, this is done in a group with 5 coaches in attendance and all the children wear reflective vests. Safety will always be our main concern and you can rest assured that road runs will only happen when it is safe to run outdoors – we run on the pavements and stay within the confines of the town.

All our coaches and helpers are CRB checked and all coaches have UK Athletics certification. The club has Club Mark accreditation and to achieve this, the procedures and practices, were all scrutinised by UK Athletics.

Membership is £5 per year and £1 is charged each session to cover our costs.


A Junior membership form can be completed on arrival at the first session for new members.

Latest updates from Hayle Runners

The Green Army out and about, as well as the latest updates from the club.

Hayle take on the Christmas-free Turkey Trot

The men took 3rd and the club won 9 age category prizes.

Hayle Runners take on the Magnificent 7

2 team prizes and 11 age category prizes on the lumpy Mag 7.

Hayle Runners June roundup

A wrap up of the non-GP events during June for our members.

Not for the faint hearted, the Gribbin 10k

The final MTRS race of the season.