Child protection and safeguarding policy
Hayle Runners is committed to providing a safe environment for all athletes and specifically children/young people under the age of 18 or adults who are potentially vulnerable to participate in athletics.

Essential to this commitment, is to ensure that all necessary steps are taken to protect children/young people or other vulnerable individuals from the inappropriate use of photographic images.
Hayle Runners have adopted the following good practice guidelines issued by UK Athletics:
Publishing images
- Through the use of a Consent Form, we will ask for the permission of young athletes and their carers to take and use their image. If an athlete is named, we will avoid using their photograph
- Through our membership form we will seek the consent of athletes over 18 to take photographs and use their image for publicity
- We will NEVER publish personal details (email addresses, telephone numbers, addresses etc) of a child/young person
- We will only authorise the use of images of young athletes in suitable dress (Tracksuit, on court clothing i.e. T-shirt/shorts/skirt, off track clothing)
Use of photographic filming equipment at athletic events
Hayle Runners will:
- Inform young athletes and parents that a photographer will be in attendance at an event and ensure they consent to both the taking and publication of films or photographs
- Request by public notice at an event that parents, spectators and authorised photographers (e.g. press) to register if they wish to use any photographic equipment including mobile phones with photographic technology.
- Not allow unsupervised access to players or one to one photo sessions at events
- Not approve/allow photo sessions outside the events or at a athletes home
- Act on the concerns of any athletes and parents regarding the inappropriate use of photographic equipment
- Inform children/young people and their parents/carers if video equipment is to be used by the club as a coaching aid, giving the ability for young people to opt out of the session.
- Ensure that any photographic images taken and used will be stored safely
Hayle Runners will ensure that the Welfare Officers (Trevor Cornish and Jennie Massey) and other key individuals involved with its Junior section have access to regular Safeguarding Training through Cornwall Sports Partnership or other recognised training bodies.
Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)
Hayle Runners is committed to providing a safe environment for all athletes and specifically children/young people under the age of 18 to participate in athletics.
Essential to this commitment, is to ensure that all coaches or leaders that come into contact with young people undergo a Disclosure and Baring Service (DBS) check as set out by English Athletics as part of their Safeguarding Checks and DBS process.
- This disclosure will be undertaken as per the club procedure with the Club Welfare Officers or Chairman authorised to countersign/verify identification documents.
- Copies of the disclosure will be held by English Athletics who provide licences to suitably qualified and vetted Coaches and Leaders.
- It is the duty of the welfare officers to ensure that the disclosures are valid and up to date.
- Any helpers or individuals who are gaining experience prior to undertaking Leaders or Coaches qualifications will always be supervised by a qualified Coach or Leader and will have completed the English Athletics self-disclosure form which will be held by the Welfare Officers
Latest updates from Hayle Runners
The Green Army out and about, as well as the latest updates from the club.

First place for the ladies team at Looe
A first place for the ladies and third for the mens teams.

Hayle Runners January roundup
A wrap up of the non-GP and MTRS events during January for our members.

Hayle Runners ladies bring back 3rd from the Newquay 10k
A packed second race in the GP series.

The 2025 Cornish GP series has officially begun
A cracking start to the 2025 GP series.